The clay sewer pipe replacements issue is percolating again. Now that several hundred residents have had their laterals replaced, some of the problems with the current policy are beginning to show more clearly.  The Village staff have advanced new proposals for handling some of the problems that have come up.

More importantly, Gabe Konopka, a regular attendee at the Village Board meetings, has contributed his own proposal for revising the current Policy. It looks like a good start to me, and a great basis for further discussion by the Village Board

There’s a summary of the issue in the Info-Center. I’ll update this summary as things move along.

I’ll keep you posted !  If you have any questions or concerns,  please post a comment below or send me an email.  I can pass along your comments and suggestions to the Village leadership, use them to guide further developments on, or just chat with you “over the fence.”  Either way, I’d enjoy hearing from you !