Browsing Posts in Opinion

Our usual practice at is to avoid endorsing candidates for office. Instead, we try to encourage debate about public policy issues that matter to our community, rather than endorsing individual candidates in their bids for public office. But today, I’ll hang my editor’s hat on the hatrack over in the corner, and just write […]

OK. I’ve had writer’s block since April. I keep focusing on politics instead of fun things like CheeseFest and Memorial and Flag Day parades and sports and such. Focused, but unable to write about it. Much to my own dismay and distress. I keep waiting for, I don’t know, reasonableness maybe? Civility, perhaps. Or maybe […]

Well, the 2010 fall elections have come and gone. We’ve had a landslide victory for Republicans in the US House, and the Democrats have decisively lost their filibuster-proof majority in the US Senate. Similarly, Wisconsin now has a Republican Governor, and Republican majorities in the Assembly and State Senate. And Wisconsin’s change from Democrat to […]

The clay sewer pipe replacements issue is percolating again. Now that several hundred residents have had their laterals replaced, some of the problems with the current policy are beginning to show more clearly.  The Village staff have advanced new proposals for handling some of the problems that have come up. More importantly, Gabe Konopka, a […]

Notes are available for the Village Board meeting of April 21st. This is the first meeting of the Village Board that has the three newly elected Trustees seated on the Board. There won’t be any notes for the April 28th meeting for a while. I wasn’t able to attend the meeting last week, and I […]